Sunday, February 7, 2016

Homeschooling vs. Public schooling


I choose this for my compare and contrast essay because I have done both, homeschooling and public school. I think there is a great misunderstanding to what each entails and provides for a child. I think that each child has his or her own way of learning. Weather it be beneficial for them to be homeschooled or public school interaction should be based on each individual child.


  1. This is a wonderful compare and contrast! I can't wait to read your essay! I chose public school for my daughter to help with social skills as well. But sometimes all the sickness and downfalls make me want to consider home school, although my goal is to not over shelter/isolate my children. I'm super excited for this essay and will be watching for yours!

  2. I agree. I think there is so much debate about both. Be sure to include strong pieces of evidence and research to support your claims.
